Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A brief history of TPKN

While not entirely my story to tell, I can explain briefly what TPKN is and was.
A long time ago, before wikipedia... there was a group of people on a burgeoning forum who had the answers.
We were those people.
At first, acting as a single unit, we all began to notice that many threads ended with a reply and final answer from us. We grouped together as TEAM POST KILLING NINJA! *insert dramatic music*
Each member had their own specialty. Turbos, tuning, suspension, engineering, engine and chassis codes, general automotive knowledge, niche automotive knowledge... if we didn't know the answer, we knew someone who did or we knew where to find it.

Over time, the internet filled itself with the knowledge we imparted and we took a smaller role online. But we still remain friends on facebook (except for paranoid-ass Vad) and we'll still kick in a little information here and there.

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